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If you feel dry and deflated, unsure how to pump the fun back in, I have some medicine!
If you hear yourself speak about...

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Open the window of opportunity

"I have to maximise the window of opportunity," my client told me. I know the feeling. We finally get that magical...

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Diamonds are multi-faceted too.

We’ve been brought up to choose what we want to be when we grow up.
Have you grown up yet? I haven’t!

If you...

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Superhero or total loser? The reality of being you.

You know our mind plays tricks on us. One day you feel like the hero, the next, you might be reminded of all the things...

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Do less. Do nothing. Have it all.

Do nothing. Allow yourself to be still and watch things change.

What? Are you telling me to sit on the couch and expect...

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The difference between the Nr. 1 athlete and the Nr. 2 athlete is minimal.

#StephenKotler writes in The Rise of Superman,...

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I hear your brilliance.

I hear your challenges and brilliance. I literally hear it in your voice.

For over a decade, I focussed on healing my own...

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Stop focusing on the out-cum!

Orgasm fixation is not a productive strategy.

Let’s say you are creating your content for the months ahead, and you...

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Success comes from succession.

When my mum would leave the house, we didn’t say goodbye until the 3rd time she’d left.

Mum: “I’m...

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How can you live your best life if you are so restricted?

This challenging time has gifts in it. So many businesses are formed. I know there is a lot of struggle but I also see...

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What does your voice say about you?

How do you come across with the confidence, natural authority and clarity you need to bring your message across, influence...

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Should you face your DEMONS?

I had lunch with a partner of Deloitte.
We spoke about mentoring women and helping them face their demons.

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