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Elevating silenced voices: the skill that drives real leadership...

In every organisation, voices go unheard.

They’re there, offering insights from lived experiences, fresh...

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Transforming the top 1% of leaders into the elite 0.1%

In my twenties I worked with talented artists who were very shy on stage.

It's one thing to have a powerful message and...

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Beat the haze

Do you ever experience feeling hazy and vague?

Just not quite switched-on?

Unproductive yet trying to keep busy?


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Feeling exhausted?

In a world that celebrates “more, more, more,” it’s easy to forget that true impact requires capacity -...

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Standing out isn’t about working harder

Client: I loved working with you. It’s so impactful and just what I need.

Me: That’s wonderful to hear! Could...

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Ease is exactly the medicine we need

Are you Addicted to the Rush?

Do you love being in flow, but find yourself rushing through life?

You might be addicted to...

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She Blew My Mind

Client: How did you just do that?!!

Me: I listened to you and spoke your story back to you in a concentrated format.


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We Are George

I’m sure after icing and resting, my leg and hip are going to be just fine.

I rise to get to the bathroom. There,...

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How Free Are You to Express Yourself?

 Last week, I sang my latest song in the sauna to three sweaty men and one woman. Just because he asked "can you...

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Sabotage Your Stage Presence: Proven Methods to Stay Unremarkable

3 ways to sabotage your stage presence: proven methods to stay unremarkable:


  1. Prioritise everything over coaching...

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I can't be authentic with a script

“I think I am more authentic when I speak in the moment.”

Yes, you are.

But you are also taking more time than...

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It was wild, beautiful and deep:

This intake of the Impact Amplifier went far beyond the usual—as you know telling your story is harder than it...

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