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Embrace your fears.

I’ll tell my clients: Let’s embrace your fears, anxieties, and thoughts.

Of course, you’re scared;...

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Are you caught in your habits and structures?

The top tip against addiction/bad habits is to stay away from them. TV addiction is best served with no TV. Ban Netflix....

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You are a Queen.

Imagine yourself as absolutely entitled to ask of your royal subjects for whatever you desire. Do you dare? What would...

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I'm here every step of the way.

Most people get to the end of their days with their 'music still inside' of them. Not on my watch.

I am here with you to...

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I want to meet YOU

When you meet me, don’t give me your press release. That everyday chitter chatter you can have with everyone, save...

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Pleasure is magical.

Pleasure is the magical pathway to wisdom, insight, well-being, inner harmony, capacity, miracles, purpose, confidence,...

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You are deserving of so much more.

If you feel unworthy, you are likely to attract the very judgement you fear most. Sometimes we act out and become...

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The Voice of the C-Suite: Transforming Silence into Resonant Leadership.

Echoes and Silences

In this loud world, are you even heard?

Or just another silenced word?

Woman, color – same old...

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A Path to Pleasure

We gravitate to people who are already whole, who do what they want for no other reason than wanting it. They become the...

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YOU MATTER - The secret to a happy life.

You matter. But your issues aren't interesting to everyone. Those are actually 2 different things!

"Don't take yourself so...

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When you write a book, you don’t share it before it’s not ready. When you learn a song, you don’t...

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Am I your genie?

My client hit me with her regrets about some decision she'd made. I stopped her and said:

Imagine you’re rubbing the...

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