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Leaders today are tasked not only with leading their team but also to present and elevate the brand in the market place.

Businesses keen to elevate their positioning and visibility rely on their leaders to become known personal brands and become the face and the voice of their company.


Meet Evelyne Brink...

Evelyne Brink has transformed the impact, presence and energy of executives in organisations such as the BBC and Channel 4, Deloitte, Pfizer, Coop, as well as working with entrepreneurs and celebrity clients.

With 20 + years of coaching experience, her background as a performer and producer of her own woman shows (from NY to Berlin), Sony music record deals and corporate training expertise, a TEDx speaker, author and coach, Evelyne is uniquely positioned to support senior leaders develop their personality in the spotlight.

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The 3 challenges to Executive Presence faced by all leaders:


1.) Unmatched expression

2.) Unaligned voice

3.) The Gap between who they are and how they present (themselves): PIID 

The 3 ways we work to overcome these blocks:

Draw out your deepest intentions and help you express them with your voice and your body. 

Draw out your authentic, resonant voice, which allows you to be extremely present and powerful without effort. The leader sets the tone. So let’s set the tone.

Close the gap between who you are in ‘the real world’ and ‘on stage’ and become an authentic and strong personal brand.

Download case studies and coaching packages

Read Evelyne's articles  

The Spotlight Effect aka Performance Induced Identity Dissonance (PIID)
The Authenticity Advantage: The Crucial Role of Personal Branding for Leadership Success

Watch Evelyne's TEDx Talk!


Hiding in the Spotlight: How to dare to be you when everyone is watching.

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Elevate Your Executive Presence

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