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Rage ~ Your tender side with teeh.


Apr 12, 2023

You’ve been taught to calm down. You’ve been told you mustn’t snap. You expect yourself to be much more balanced. But somehow the older you get, the more this anger comes up.

Must be the hormones. Really?!

In her book "The Bitch in the House " interviewer @CathiHanauer relieved me with her revelation that many women experience rage and feel the shame about it. It's more normal than you think.
What if there was nothing wrong with you?


It’s truth.
It’s got a reason.
It feels unreasonable but it isn’t.
You’ve been neglecting your own needs for too long. Things are not ok, you've just been told they are.
Everyone is pulling on you. It’s been fun to be so needed. For a while. Then you hit your limit.
It’s hard to even know your needs. Maybe you’ve developed an aversion to the very word ‘needs’. I know a time I have!

Maybe you need to let it all out, let off some steam somewhere. That’s why God created Kickboxing. Or domestics. 😂 Or whatever you’re into where you let it rip safely (Note this is not an encouragement to toxic or abusive relating!).
But more possibly - the hot head is really your tender side with teeth.
How long have you had to protect your tender, soft, vulnerable self?
The world hasn’t been safe enough for you to let it out.
You’ve been hurt, misunderstood, shamed, and blamed.
I know. I relate.
Tender hearts require care, time, and gentleness.
Who has time for that?!

In order to function, you tucked the soft underbelly away and ploughed on.
Maybe like me, you’ll forget at times that it’s there.
That tender, soft side needs our attention.
It's a crucial part of you.
It's calling you. If you don't hear it- at this's SHOUTING.
Your rage is your tenderness with teeth.
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