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Embracing the Yin Approach: A New Paradigm for Growth

Embracing the Yin Approach: A New Paradigm for Growth

In our fast-paced world, we often equate success with pushing...

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Speak with confidence

WARNING: This video series may cause an increase in confidence, sassiness, and general badassery.

Proceed with caution!


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Lights, camera, ACTION!

Lights, camera, ACTION!

Our video series is not just informative; it's hilarious!

We promise to make you laugh while...

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Unleash Your Inner Rockstar with Impact Eve-o-lution

BOOM! Our Impact Eve-olution Mini Video Series is here!

We'll teach you how to create drop-the-mic moments, get in the...

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Ready to get visible and establish yourself (even more) as a thought leader?

Ready to get visible and establish yourself (even more) as a thought leader?

Our video series has got you covered with...

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Don't let fear hold you back from creating the impact you were born to make.

Don't let fear hold you back from creating the impact you were born to make.

Or the one that you now CHOOSE to make!


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Can you imagine giving birth and being told your little one won't make it? That's what happened exactly 11 years ago. What...

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Performance under pressure

Performance under pressure requires skills and reliable training.

Often this training works in the model of...

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Impact trumps productivity.

I see you doing all this very productive work. Now you feel successful.

You’ve ticked off all of these things you...

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Soften up!

When you choose to focus and flick that switch with an effective mantra like “toughen up”, you can find your...

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Pushing yourself is not the only way to grow.

Pushing yourself can go 2 ways; Either you’ve gone into the growth zone, and muscle is built quickly. It’s how...

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Toughen up?

I work with people whose bodies don’t listen to good advice from their minds anymore because they had enough of...

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