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One example how Videos can save your ass:

May 09, 2022

I’m booked to a speaker training today. ⠀
I get a message at 1am that my daughter has become ill.⠀
Her Dad will drop her at home for 9am. I ask for help and none is available. I’m left to cancel my work arrangements to look after her. ⠀
The problem with stage work is- you have to be there.⠀
Face to face meetings- you have to be there.⠀
And sometimes you can’t. You might have children or health requirements, other things to do. ⠀

Thankfully I can still make a productive day- I will be filming content when she’s resting later. I have a video review to complete- no problem.⠀

The messages I have out there are working for me whilst I look aft her.⠀
Video makes it possible to be working and visible even when you’re not available on the day. This opens up opportunities that simply weren’t available before. ⠀

For parents, for busy people for you as a human.⠀
So using video is great for your business and it also is a way to have more life- call me a stay at home Mum today if you want- I am. And I’ll create the next presentation hack you’ll see shortly.⠀

How are you using video in your business?⠀
How can it help you have more “life” too?

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